Sunday, February 26, 2012

Can we stop revenge on stupiedies hurt's causin woods head war?

news bbc cnn news update in ghana part of c tree land which is acccra region western region centre region is beging with christians praying and i we praying inn muslem islam c three c tree and groundgroundparent hate getting woods war heads and as presidential inn nature they like kind one well to commplain by porverties thing king where the chefss monies doing imagine how mean land sell resource government goes global england Divine wise is to set it self a part celebrate archiving respect those god's meth can't getting in my dreams either you have korea twelve target be your self not with my part or any target boy not with my dreams our war if hunt around in ghana accra ctree land for opose stupied beware target us to death and you don't even you hiding saitan hypocrate inner ears noise giving stroke by getting body or polio by getting fingers toe be ware with our war war revenge is tast you feeling your keys on getting destroying head abilities or having business with so you been peeling my nature stranger's wigs be ware war war kill kill revenge why is our limit u fly we where world king bird family super man and sea trobles dolphine sharke rabbit runners be ware kill to kill that where they thinking you will face salvation terminator shot head , owen clive massive eyez shot you noise our we revenge gas gun urgly gun mass on your inner ears a stupied land with a stupiesd white ,arabic.american face bad boy war ,real death row war event obama is on back you self we dont giving them we can die us our family making things where they go i dont thinking have inner trust with what you feel i was excitment heaven or what eyez will see try your mother that and your generation home skiy in our limit is on my limit keepping lieing that you have secrect contact to taking other's life and nature ba ware war calling swanzeneger ceaser russian tunnel spancho radiator leg senzan , shootor christ algerian friens regime bagdad regime family keepping kill us and spoiling land alaah is best food will growing america actor race driving hardcore whiskey maximum king richard ,saladi, back the did tunnel evano war leader hardcore brave man jackstraw mizers boom boom venenzuela boom tunisian fans morroco fans canadians red cross and switzerland red cross real madrid red cross family only sydney fans only china fans vietnam fans ,dubai europ algerian tunnisian morroco iraq is my muslim limit it can getting your even you wish don;t have love for others country muslems and my blogs friend muslem islam dont have to love even broke my brief self take my countey land to where your on self i won't have live where ever we ongoing cold land we wil on coming back home take your your daughter pussy whole box remember muselim is not your generation christian is not your generation is for on god what care they have are proud what they stand for using our vistor wings and persuade with religious, f,1bmw williams rule is on is our family friday childrens is our family inheratge you can't use it giffred tigers ,pink rabbit, monkey little life can't your life dolphine even sharke virkings life runners self god don;t like you don't like insultting every one sky is my limit is my limit sea is our heritatage is our heritage dont hunt your proud there is not going to happy canada is home canada is home is home even using your boomb there self is our home ghana of c tree land is ground ground parent home is they will live inn boombing us is our home even yjou were wealth inn self is our home your president inn self is our remember to get urgly crime over your death or surfering surfering over your stupied juju wrongworshippng seding peole to others ears to cause troble over your waitting respect your nerd war on our shadow using getting eyez to cause blind i'm sorry god alaah give our produce concieve not beside eas or beside village inner cities from generation groundparent not they went and settle recognize your and proud and all my fans inn europ , asians america , tunisian ,algerian, morroco, zembadwe,elitree ,dizababa,iran england,just love just hit what cause us supportting our albinos evils be ware saitan can act evils they are hiding here can t cross kwahu or benni , liberian when there is war war war diseases killing killing is our heritage innside cold or not cross this land is right your global wise you can't telling this stupied noise we have it here or they our ghost they need chance business is our properties clips making is our heritage you diamond drilling is our heritage silver is our heritage moon sunshine stars inn skies is our heritagge wind is our heritage, be ware british gas is our heritage and little nature born sharp don't have right to put your polites inn or meth or entertainment only on viasat even if will death forever self you don;t have to say notthing agains that heritage from skies or woodins or seCan we stop revenge on stupiedies hurt's causin woods head war?
Revenge will always bite you on the ***.

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