Sunday, February 26, 2012

Is This Dangeroues???

i Consumed 972 calories today

all i ate was


Breakfast: A small Cupp of fat free milk [not even 8 ounces]

a corn muffin and a small vine off red seed less grapes


lunch: very very little leattuce {about the size of i pod video}

with ceaser dressing {1 table spoon} with 7 tiny pieces pineapple plus a very very small bowl of speacial k cereal with fat free milk

just now i ate a low fat yogurt [90 calories]

in total i counted it was 972.....

ALSO IM 13 years old

is 972 calories too little??? is it bad for me??Is This Dangeroues???
That depends on your height and how active you are. Generally speaking though young adults and adults need 1200 calories a day minimum to function properly and have sufficient energy. Were you hungry? If so you definitly need a little more. At 13 you need to focus on plenty of good nutrition for your body to develop into a beautiful woman, not on being really skinny, just focus on being HEALTHY....By the way, your food choices do sound healthy, if you just simply add a balanced nutritious dinner to your list, such as some lean chicken, steamed veggies, and maybe a baked potato, you should wind up good by the end of the day.....Is This Dangeroues???
That is far to little food, and you lack any semblance of protein. Eat a steak, a chicken or turkey breast or a can of tuna right now.Is This Dangeroues???
thats way too littleto et when ur 13 im 13 and i eat like 1750 calories. dont be worried about your figure and be more worried about not getting the right nutrients

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