Monday, February 20, 2012

Q about bleeding after giving birth?

Sorry if offend some people but i was wondering how long bleeding can occue for after giving birth? I had a ceaser and has been one week (not sure if ceaser makse difference) and have noticed today that things seem to be coming out in kind of chunks (sorry tmi)

Is this normal...I am starting to get worried as have a headache i cant shake for 2 days now and after seeing the bleeding today am getting a little paranoid.

has this happened to anyone else?Q about bleeding after giving birth?
Anywhere from 1-8 weeks is normal, it can even go from light to heavy and back again if you over do it. Your uterus has just had a piece of it ripped out (natural process, lol) and it is actually a wound that needs to heal, give it time, I bled for 3-4 weeks with my daughter I had a vaginal delivery and I bottle fed. With my son it was a vaginal delivery again but I have breastfed him and I only bled for 2 weeks. Both times I have had blood clots too, it is normal and part of the healing process. If it gets smelly or very heavy (soaking through a pad in 2hrs) go to the Er.

Hope that helps.

P.s the headache could be tiredness or a bi product from an epidural or spinal block if you had one.Q about bleeding after giving birth?
Completely normal.

Six weeks is the 'usual' duration for post-partum bleeding that's bandied about. Also, 'they' say that any bleeding within 56 days is not considered a period.

Google 'post-partum bleeding' for more info than anybody could possibly use, but do be warned that it varies a fair bit on what's 'normal.' 'Call your doctor if you expel something larger than a golf ball,' seems to be standard.

Breastfeeding mothers sometimes get headaches, for what that's worth.
your headache and shaking may be due to anxiety and stress. A C section still requires the bleeding as you have an open wound in your uterus (where your placenta detached from the uterine wall). As long as the chunks aren't larger than a lemon you should be ok. It should taper off soon.Q about bleeding after giving birth?
Took me 6 weeks on the dot for it to stop, and those chunks you mention could be bits of placenta, which you should mention to your doc x
u bleed for up to six weeks afterwards. dont panic, its all natural. congrats to your new baby!!!Q about bleeding after giving birth?
Call your dr to be sure. Don't rely on a forum like this!

Chunks can be normal, but not large ones. I bled heavily for a week or so and still spotted for about six weeks.

Do you have a fever???? If you do, HOSPITAL!! Please!
My friend had the chunks...and ended up with a uterine infection. They said that sometimes the pieces of blood wont come out right and that they kinda cause infection sometimes. If you have any kind of fever, go in to the doc.
I had a C-section and bled for almost 9 weeks afterwards. I found that when I passed clots it was usually after I was doing too much physical activity. When your Dr. tells you not to lift over 10 lbs and try not to walk up many stairs and not to vacuum and do laundry --- they mean it! Take it easy, only do what you need to and ask for help with the household stuff. Bonding with your baby is all you really need to be doing until you are healed!

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